Friday, April 09, 2010

To Tweet, or Not To Tweet... Is That a Question?

I was having so much fun tweeting @CraigyFerg (Craig Ferguson), but now the fun has come to and end. That's okay. I'll surely find other fun things to do with my life. It's just that I was enjoying coming up with new Tweet ideas everyday, and it lit a fire under my ass to focus on doing what I really want to do, and...

I'm going through a bit of a letdown.

Not a major one. But a letdown, nonetheless.

Funny how that little activity of conjuring up 140 characters (or less) per day was doing so much for my pysche. Seems silly when I write about it. Especially considering that all I was doing was spewing what turned out to be Twitter SPAM.

At least, that's how some people saw it.

I never thought about that aspect of it. I mean, Craig gets hundreds of Tweets every day. And some of his followers Tweet at him multiple times a day. Can me sending one carefully crafted (and sometimes maybe even clever and amusing) Tweet actually be considered SPAM?

Well, the more I thought about it (after it was brought to my attention by one of the more active members of Craig's Robot Skeleton Army [RSA]), the more I realized that it was probably doing more harm than good. I'd started copying my Tweets to his staff members, too (oddly enough, at the advice of that same RSA spokesperson... odd because she told me I was SPAMming, but then advised me to Tweet at the Producers)... which, as I degrade into some strange combination of cascading punctuation in this paragraph... led me to the conclusion that I needed to stop.

Yeah, I'm confused, too.

Not only is my wording and punctuation awkward, so was that whole RSA interaction. I hadn't thought about the sub-culture of people out there who are so invested in a daily basis with the whole RSA mish-mash of interactive Tweet streams.

I was just having fun with my little tweets.

Little did I know I was being judged (and sometimes... BLOCKED! ... NO - not THAT!) by a subset of the RSA subculture.

I've seen this before... on the Internet, and in real life.

It's nothing new.

It just hadn't dawned on me that I was in the same kind of realm as the dreaded (to me) message boards. There are people who live on the boards (and/or twitterville), and can have the tendency to behave as if they "own" the thing they're talking about. They feel like they're the authorities... much like the experience I had with the USC Football message boards a few years ago. It starts out innocently enough, with a bit of lurking, then a post here and there, followed by the inevitable drama that ensues when you unwittingly break one of the tribal rules.

Anyway, I'm getting way too much into the psychology of the message boards and/or tweets. The bottom line is that I'm changing tactics. Even though part of me thinks "to heck with them"... it is their world, afterall. I can go back to being a fan of Craig and his show on my own terms, in my own living room, not being accused of being a SPAMmer, not being BLOCKED by the RSA elite... like I was up until a few weeks ago.


The only reason I even started tweeting @CraigyFerg in the first place was because I just got a wild hair up my ass to do that one morning. And the next day I did it again... and then again the day after that... for fun... and hoping that Craig might actually notice... and respond. What I don't know is whether or not he even read any of my tweets. And if he did, whether or not he liked them, saw them as SPAM, or didn't give a rip one way or the other.


I'll get there.

Focus, I mean.

Here tiz...

I'm going back to approaching this the right way. And by "this" I'm talking about getting booked on the show. I sent an email to the Producer yesterday, and he responded this morning. Very nice of him to respond so quickly. Unfortunately, he's forwarded my email to a person I already emailed a couple of times in the past... and she never replied. I understand this is showbiz, where you don't normally get contacted when you don't get a gig. But I think this kind of inquiry should at least be acknowledged... as the Producer was kind enough to do today.

Who knows, maybe it'll be different this time. Maybe getting my email forwarded from the Producer will lead to a response from the person who books the musical acts. We'll see.

In the meantime, rambling this post is helping to shake me out of the post-tweet letdown I mentioned earlier. And another this is helping a lot, too...

Playing my guitar, singing, working on songs... that's part of my "core self". And that's where it's all at. When the opportunity arises for me to pop my talk show cherry, I'll be ready.

What am I saying... I _am_ ready.

But you can never bee "too ready", right?

The point is, practice makes perfect. And practice makes me feel good.

And ain't that the whole point of all of "this"...

Whatever "this" is?

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