Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Game Day!

I'll be at the Ontario Improv tonight for the first time. Gary Cannon and I have been corresponding via e-mail for a number of months now, but tonight will be the first time we meet IRL. He's been great with the e-mail correspondence, and as I've mentioned on a number of occasions, that's not to be taken for granted. Many e-mails fall into black holes. So even though it's taken months to get on this stage, it's been a pleasant process. I almost feel like Gary and I have met already.

Can you _feel_ the love?

This is going to be a nice couple of weeks... tonight at Ontario Improv, next Tuesday at Hollywood Improv, next Wednesday at Martini Blues, and the following Tuesday at Brea Improv.

It's feast or famine, eh?

That's life.

Time for a feast!

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